Friday, July 4, 2014

Daily musings - gym class

So, bored with normal gymming and using free weights, I decided to do a studio class - you know the classes where they teach you Zumba, Pilates, yoga etc. I though some stretching and toning would be nice, so I registered myself for this class called Stretch and Tone. Very well then, the class started and we all got down to doing what was being instructed by a kind looking elderly gentleman who asked us to stretch our body in unimaginable proportions.
So, we got down to doing some stretching exercises - legs, then arms, stomach and then back. While doing the back, he asked us to first expand and then contract our back muscles. Now, this might sound very easy, but when someone asks you to sit on all fours and expand and contract your back muscles, its a lil difficult to comprehend what and how he actually wants us to do that. So, the instructor explained and demonstrated how it was to be done. And we all did what he asked us to.
But there was one girl who couldn't follow the technique and how it was to be done. The instructor explained it again and then again, but she just couldn't get it and then.... she started crying.
The instructor got so worried, thinking he might have said or done something. So he asked, "You alright? What's wrong?" The girl didn't stop crying. She kept sitting on all fours and kept crying. Finally she said, "I am not very good with directions and instructions."   
Wonder what triggered the outburst? I felt like giving her a big hug.


Unknown said...

U shd have given her a hu... u r such a sweetheart :-)

Unknown said...
