Thursday, July 3, 2014

Daily notes - the beginning

Have been thinking of writing something daily just to give way to my observations and keep the writer in me alive. Have to admit, job search in a new country can be a real pain in the ass and to be honest, I've been at it for the last 4 months now, and all that I've got back is - either no response or something called polite declining. So I get a mail saying, 'We have gone through your resume but we are sorry to inform you that we won't be taking your application further, as we have received other applications that suit our position better. Better luck with your job search.'
Alright. So there are people who are better at every job position that I've applied for... Fair enough. But I refuse to believe that I don't deserve a chance, so I keep trying and I will keep trying until someone hires me.
Now this hiring thing is not to prove a point. Its just to earn money, because let's face it... No matter how good you think you are... No matter how many awards you gathered in your school, college or even at previous work places, you need money to keep going.. To live your dreams... To live the life you deserve and to make ends meet.
It is also a self confidence booster... As it shows that someone cares about your work or what you think you can do. Anyways, everyone has a different opinion on calculating his or her own self worth. Mine is a lil screwed up right now... As you can judge by my post here... Its all over the place, a lil confusing and most people might think its just jibber jabber.
This is just a start.. I guess I'm now finally going back to the original theme of my blog - The voice in my head. :)

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